Career Planning/Renewal
The Harrison Career Planning modules are a personalized planning tool for career identification and development.
Harrison Assessments Careers is an internet based system which measures an individual’s suitability and enjoyment for a range of jobs and positions. There are currently over 650 jobs in the database. The highly intelligent software rank orders over 50 jobs or positions an individual may be suited for and enjoy, based on the Harrison Profile. The jobs/positions in the database are linked to the “O” Net, the on-line Directory of Occupational Titles, which is the foundation for job classification in the United States. It measures total suitability, including:
We work with individuals, from age 14 years, to help identify career/job options for educational decision making, career transition, reentry into the workforce, and second career strategies. We use Career Planning modules in universities, in organizations who have a defined employee development program, and for individuals in all phases of their careers.
Task Preferences
Work Environment Preferences
Leadership Skills
Interpersonal Skills